Landscape Design

Perennials are plants that come back each year. They typically have shorter blooming periods than annuals, but you’ll see them poke their heads up and come back to life year after year. We have lots of unique varieties of each of our perennials: most of which we grow ourselves right here in Northwest Arkansas.

See the link below for a full list of what perennials we are growing this year.

key features

Come back without re-planting

Seasonal color

Sustainable gardening

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Why Perennials?

Perennials are the backbone of a vibrant, all-season garden. ​​Unlike annuals, which complete their life cycle in a single season, perennials persist for multiple years. Many gardeners appreciate the low-maintenance nature of perennials given they don’t need to be replanted each year and once established, these plants can thrive, growing back larger and stronger each year. 

Benefits of Planting Perennials

Planting perennials can benefit any garden. Here are just a few reasons to start gardening with these enduring plants. 

  • Sustainable Low-Maintenance: Perennials reduce the need for frequent replanting, promoting sustainability in gardening practices. And easier upkeep for you.
  • Year-Round Interest: With careful selection, perennials can provide year-round interest, ensuring your garden remains vibrant in every season. Because perennials are hardy, many can bloom before the last frost date or after the first frost here in Northwest Arkansas.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: While initial investment may be higher than annuals, perennials prove cost-effective over time, as they return year after year with minimal maintenance.
  • Soil Health: Perennials help improve soil structure and fertility over the long-term, enhancing overall garden health.

Perennials for Zone 7A

It’s important to keep in mind that we are located in the USDA’s Growing Zone 7A. Many plants are hardy (or perennial) in other zones, but might not be in Northwest Arkansas. At Westwood, our Growers choose perennials that are hardy for our area in typical weather conditions. 

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